Glossary > Page authority (PA)

Page authority (PA)


Learn and understand what is page authority (PA). What role does it play for any site that affects the ranking of a site? Page authority simply defines the ranking of any web page on the Search Engine Results Page of any search engine by giving the score in numbers between 0-100. This score is assigned by a tool named Moz. Most of the sites think to increase their page ranking to 50 or higher, as it is considered a good score according to Moz that makes the site rank on the search results page. The rate is influenced by certain factors like quality backlinks, design of a site, or rich quality content.


 Infographic explaining Page Authority (PA)


What is a Page Authority (PA)?

The rate that defines the ranking of any site on the search results page, or what we can call the search engine results page (SERP), is called the page authority of that website.

This ranking is provided by the tool called Moz. Mozscape web index, MozTrust, link counts, and MozRank are some of the metrics that are counted while giving the rankings to a site. Higher page authority means getting a higher chance of ranking on the search engine results page. The score is generally between the numbers 0-100. The higher the score, the higher the ranking, and vice versa.

Topics of the video

  • Authority metrics
  • Website ranking
  • Improving authority

Summary of the video

The video discusses the topic of page authority (PA) and domain authority. This video tells what role page and domain authority play for any website to improve its ranking on the search results page. Page authority (PA) is scored between 0-100, i.e., given by the tool named Moz. The higher the page authority, the higher the chance will be to rank higher on a website. Page and domain authority depends on several factors, such as the quality of the content, the structure of a post or a website, and links that are on the website or blogs. Domain authority is the overall score of a whole website. It tells the ranking of a whole website, whereas the page authority only tells the single or different page’s authority. Domain authority will be the same always, but the page authority can be different on every page concerning the quality of the page. Simply put, this video states the roles these two matrices play in ranking the website on different search results pages on different search engines. At last, the video tells us to optimize the content with high-quality content and rest leave on search engines.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can we increase Page Authority (PA)? 
There are different ways to increase the page authority of any website. Creating highly rich content, using proper and relevant external links, a refined and easy navigational website, and also promoting the site on different social media channels.

What is a good Page Authority (PA)?
A score above 50 is considered to be a good page authority score. The higher the score, the higher the chances of ranking on the search results page.

How can we influence page authority? 
Building rich content and quality backlinks can influence the page authority. Also, properly doing SEO by giving titles to pages, writing SEO-friendly headlines, and using proper relevant tags can optimize the authority of the page.

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