Support FAQ

Do you provide support related to post-back issues?

Yes, we provide support for all network and advertiser post-backs.

Are there specific holidays or work hours for support services?

Our support 24X7 Available

What is the process for onboarding?

The onboarding process begins when you sign up for your trial network. Our team will schedule a Google Meet session to introduce you to the basic features and answer any initial questions. We will help configure your settings according to your requirements. A second session will cover advanced features.

As newcomers to affiliate marketing, we require additional support initially. How do you manage this?

We provide extra support for newcomers via Google Meet, including recorded sessions for your reference. We also offer Skype calls to resolve queries quickly.

What are the available options or channels of communication for support?

Support is available via Skype, email, Google Meet, and WhatsApp.

Are there any language barriers in support services?

We provide support in English and Hindi only.

Do you provide dedicated support?

Yes, dedicated support can be provided if required.

Is there any cost associated with dedicated support?

Yes, there will be a cost based on the selected plan.

What is the minimum and maximum time for resolving queries in support?

Our average response time is 5-10 minutes. However, in some cases, it may take up to 10 hours.

Can you provide support outside of your software, such as with integrations of our custom landing pages or with other software?

Yes, we offer support for integrating custom landing pages and other marketing tools as needed by our clients.

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